Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good job Cooper!

A first happened on Friday. I knew it was going to happen eventually, I just thought it would be later on in the year. The bus forgot to let Cooper off!!!! I was standing in the driveway, like all Kindergarten parents are supposed to do. I watched a Laidlaw bus zoom down our street around the time Coop is due home. It never slowed down, just kept going. Me being niave thought maybe it wasn't his bus. After 5 minutes, Cooper still wasn't home. I got on my phone and called the bus dispatcher. He asked for the name of the student and the bus number. I gave him both immediately. He then commented on how calm I was and said I must be an old pro at this. I corrected him and said this was my third day with a shoolaged child. While he was radioing the bus, it pulled up. Coop got off.
I asked Cooper what happened.
"The bus driver forgot our house."
"Did you stand up and tell him?"
"No, we can't stand when the bus is moving, I waited until the next stop, got up, moved to a different seat, and told him he forgot to let me off. Then I told him to turn around and bring me home."
"Did you know where you were? Did you have to tell him how to get back to our house?"
"I told him to go to the park, stop at the stop sign and then turn left. I told him to then go down the hill and stop at our house that had a 3 and an 8 on it. I told him the house was white and green too."
"Were you scared?"
"No, I'm in Kindergarten, I wasn't scared!"
I was so proud of him!!! He did everything right. I was most impressed that he knew to turn left and what our address was, we just started working on the address part with him about a week ago.


K.M.L said...

Wow!!!! I am glad he got home safe! How smart of him to know what to do....Go Cooper!

Shanelle said...

What a smartie-pants! Way to go to the both of you for staying so calm!

Erin said...

woohoo! Such a smart (and funny) kid.