Sunday, August 19, 2007

Deal of the day!

The older 2 boys are obsessed with Rescue Heroes. They have wanted the control centers for quite a while. I cannot justify a $50 toy. When I was out with my mom, I found one of the control centers at a resale shop for $8. I grabbed it immediately! The best part was, at a second resale shop that day, I found the exact same toy for $35.
Maddox loves the toy! It's the perfect size for him to stand up in front of. I'm waiting for the day he figures out how to climb on it to sit or get into more trouble.

Nelson's first smile since Cooper started school. I think it's only becasue Cooper wasn't home to play with the new Rescue Hero control center. He had it all to himself for over 3 hrs.


Shanelle said...

Wow, great find! My boys love Rescue Heros but the toys are hard to find now.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

The boy equivalent of Barbie!