Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maddox's first day of school.

Yesterday Maddox reached yet another Ferris milestone. He went to Mom's Day Out. We have been utilizing this program since Cooper was 2. As a matter of fact, the older two boys went all the way through Mom's Day Out, pre-school, and pre-k at this church. I was expecting lots of tears from Maddox and lots of "no, Mom". I got none of it!!!! He insisted on walking into the building and carrying his lunchbox and wheeling his backpack. We got to his classroom, he kissed me and Travis, and marched right in. The only tears I saw or heard of where when Olivia and I went to pick him up, then he said, "No, Mom", and tried to go back to playing. We are now looking into extending his time there. One day a week might not be enough for him (or me... I missed him but 5 hrs of no whining were amazing!).

showing off his new lunchbox and backpack before getting in the van.

Walking down the hall to his classroom.

Getting right down to business, playing with the farm animals.


Erin said...

so cute! But please don't let Travis comb that boy's hair anymore. He looks like Eddie Haskell!

Anonymous said...

Ditto - Maddox is about the same age as Anna...they grow up way too fast, don't they?! That's awesome that Maddox loved his mom's day out...special time for him and time for you girls to bond :) Love reading your blog and seeing all the photos!! You have quite a family. Very blessed.

Dan and Amanda said...

Oh my word how adorable! I love the Little Einsteins lunch box.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Awwwwww!!! Almost makes me wish I was back at MDO. Almost.

I'm so sorry to hear of your Swamp Thing Encounter. Ugh.