Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aunt Sheila's weekend visit.

Sheila came down for the weekend. However, Ike found her. The 5 hr drive took 7 hrs on Thursday night and the same amount of time on Sunday morning. We had a great time while she was here! We went to Old Town St. Charles on Friday with Olivia. While there we were able to get some Christmas shopping out of the way, and bought a birthday present. Lunch was at Mag Pies, the best restaurant there. The soup, sandwiches, and salads are amazing! We found out they have really good bread pudding too!!!! Saturday we took the 4 kids and ran a few errands and then went to the mall for them to play and have lunch. After bringing them back to Travis we left all of them, and went to the movies. We did have to stop along Manchest Road to retreive my phone, it was left on the top of her car and took a tumble when we started down the road. Thankfully it was found (in three pieces), and still works!!!! After getting the phone, reassembling it, and getting back in the car we continued down the road to the movies. The Women, great movie to see with your sister or a group of friends! We met Jenna for dinner that night at Iggy's Mexican Cantina, yummy food, yummy drinks, great conversation!!!! Travis met us back at Jenna and Karl's and dropped off Olvia. We ate ice cream and hung out with Layna for a bit. It was a perfect weekend!

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