Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What a great week!

It's only Wednesday and I am convinced this has been the best week of my life since Olivia was born. Why you ask? Well, Olivia is consistantly sleeping in her crib, getting up about 2 times a night, and otherwise is a happy baby. Maddox has adjusted to school, loves it, and wants to go. He has also figured out how to sleep through the night again. The older 2 boys are doing really well in school, have a good homework routine, and are all around great helpers to me. You would think all these reasons are why I'm loving this week... They aren't! This is why I'm loving this week...

Yep, that's a coffee cup from the new McCafe at McDonald's, that particular cup held a carmal latte. I've had a mocha, hazelnut cappuccino (2 times), and an iced mocha as well. Why you ask have I consumed that much and it's only Wednesday... I got coupons for free drinks from the McCafe, and they expire Friday! I have to use them!!!!! I have had 2 cups of goodness a day since Monday. That's not the best part. While I'm enjoying these treats, I'm also seeing this...

Maddox has gone with me every day after lunch to get my coffee (I do the drive-thru in the morning). He plays in the playland while I sit back, watch Olivia sleep and sip my afternoon cup of goodness. We then go home and he naps like a champ until Cooper and Nelson walk in the door.


Dan and Amanda said...

McCafe? I've never heard of that. Is it McDonald's version of Starbucks? Glad your having a good week! :)

Ferris Family said...

I assume it is. I'm not too picky these days, as long as it has caffiene, I'm a fan of it.