Thursday, September 18, 2008

Daddy's in charge of dinner.

While I was out enjoying Mexican goodness with my sister and sister-in-law, Travis was left in charge of dinner with our kids. I'm always amazed at how willing he is to do things with the kids. I'm hesitant to take them out alone, not Travis, he'll load them up, and away they go. When I tell him to just take the kids out for dinner, I think McDonald's, Burger King or Taco Bell. Usually there are coupons to one of those places on our fridge so it's an easy decision, the cheapest place wins. Aparently, Travis had something else in mind when he was left alone on Saturday evening. He took them to the gas station! Don't get me wrong, gas stations are useful for many things, the leaast of which being fuel. I go there once a week for coffee or the yummy fountain Diet Coke (with crushed ice), we go often for the free air for tires and bikes, the bathrooms are the cleanest around when we are running errands and have a potty emergency. Travis found yet another use for this place! Hot dogs, corn dogs, chips, and fountain Dr. Pepper. Travis told me for under $6 he was able to feed everyone!!!! I guess that's good.

He did redeem himself, he found a park for them to eat at. Thankfully, he didn't line them up on the curb and start feeding them.

He had them all sit down and eat in a civilized picnic.


Dan and Amanda said...

Travis cracks me up!!! He's brave taking the whole clan out like that. What a good daddy. :)

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

That is hilariously resourceful!

The DeVries' said...

This is sooo funny! What a clever guy, though..I bet he's saving the big bucks to take you out for a nice meal :) What a super hubby you have! We are some lucky gals!