Friday, October 05, 2007

You would think...

You would think the more kids you have, the more times you go every month to get pictures taken that first year you would learn... Nope, we never learn. I purposely scheduled Maddox's one yr picture of after dinner on a Friday night. In my brain, it seemed like the perfect way to start a weekend. Dinner as a family, jet off to get the picture, come home, put monkeys in bed, clean out the toy boxes and go to bed.
NONE of it went that way.
1. No dinner at home. We packed the boys up and decided to eat at the food court (yeah, nothing but the best for our boys!)
2. We got to the picture place and they were running behind and short staffed. What should have been quick and easy was long and not so fun!! Maddox did not cooperate at all.
3. We did make it home in one piece, and managed to get the boys to bed *almost* on time.
4. The toys are not that inviting tonight. I am sure they will still be piled, spilled, and all over the place tomorrow after my coffee date. Besides, I wouldn't want to get too ambitioius and have nothing to look forward to tomorrow morning when Maddox wakes me up before the sun rises.
5. Bed,ahhh, what a great idea!

1 comment:

Rozema Family said...

"yeah, nothing but the best for our boys!"

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I spit coffee on my screen. . .Oh sher, the best of intentions right?!?