Thursday, October 25, 2007

In light of #5 below...

Nelson brought me one of his smaller blankets. It has always been used as a traveling changer. He asked if I would please put it in Maddox's shirt so he could be Baby Superman. Now, I have Nelson in his "Batman Animal Blanket Cape" and Maddox in his "Blue Baby Superman Blanket Cape". I swear, I only give birth to superheroes... Now if only they can aquire some super powers! (Maddox can find the superpower of sleeping thru the night!)


Erin said...


Anonymous said...

I have the Queen and King bees( Mags and Josh) and I feel like the worker bee. I love the superhero - ask Nelson if Maggie can be Wonderwoman?

Rozema Family said...

Oh the things I get to look forward to!!!