Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a week...

I've been helping a neighbor out. His 5yr old twins come every morning, play with my 3 boys, eat lunch with us, and then get on the bus right after Cooper. This is all fine and good until I absolutely have to leave the house.... Then I look like a crazy woman. Five boys, the oldest being 5.5 yrs old is not a pretty sight!!! I never knew my van could hold 5 boys (all but one in a carseat). I also never knew that 5 boys in a van could produce so much noise in such a short period of time. I wasn't to the end of the block and I was praying for the rapture to come at that very moment. Thankfully, we only had to venture out one time ,to bring Nelson to school.

Maddox has been crankier than usual, I found out Tuesday he has his first ear infection, I suppose I should be thankful that it's taken this long for him to get one. I'm not so thankful, I'm sick and tired of the whining, screaming, clinging, and all around unhappy child that has taken over Maddox's body.

Travis is on call this week, I usually love the extra time alone, this week, it's been aweful! He doesn't get home from work before 6:30PM, if I hold dinner for him, we eat, barely have time to bathe the boys and they have to go to bed. I'm thinking tonight, I may order pizza, eat it out of the box (less dishes that way), bathe the boys myself and have them in their jammies when Travis gets home. He can put them to bed and I can try to escape this zoo that once looked like my house.

A recent development (As in the last 2 minutes) I can no longer blog when Cooper is around. He's pointing to words and parts of words on the the screen and reading them to me. I will have to remind him that since I'm typing I know what all the letters and words say. (He knows the words "my", "me", "I", "a", "the", and "we". Those letters and words show up quite often in this post)

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