Monday, October 08, 2007

Cazy Monday...

You all know how I feel about Mondays. Today was especially a doozy. Travis's car is over heating on a regular basis, that's not a good thing. We decided to drop it off this morning and have me bring him into work. That's all fine and good. I bring him in, get the boys home, fed, dressed, and Nelson to school. I then realize the throat thing that I've been fighting since Saturday is not getting better, and possibly worse. I know yelling at the TV last night and screaming is sweet victory with the Bears when they clobbered the Packers didn't help either. I went into the doctor, got diagnosed with an ear infection and a virus, was handed two Rx and sent on my merry way. Since Maddox fell asleep on the way home, I decided naps were more imprtant than runs thru the drive-thru pharmacy. Maddox woke up and in an attempt to save a few dollars on the Rx I decided to bring them to Walmart. They didn't have the right information on file, I didn't have the right card in my wallet, so all that for nothing! I did find some great DVDs for Travis and some juice bottles for the older 2 boys, so don't worry, the trip wasn't a complete bust. Travis finally called to tell me where to meet him and his gracious friend who agreed to bring him partially home so I didn't have to drive all the way to his office to get him. As I was hanging up with him, he asked what we were having for dinner. DINNER!!! I forgot to even think about that. I had just over an hour to pick him up, make and eat dinner, and get myself and the boys to Bible Study. That was not enough time to accomplish all that had to still be done. I decided to do something I've never done in the history of being a stay at home mom (over 5 yrs wih no end in sight) I drove thru a drive-thru because I forgot to think about dinner. Don't worry, I made it well worth our forgetfulness. We dined on KFC!!! One of my favorite things in the entire world. I got the taigaters feast (perhaps I was still on a high from last night's game). I then decided to "splurge" and get two orders of apple turnovers for dessert. We get home, eat dinner, and decide to enjoy yummy apple turnovers before we have to jet out to Bible Study. THEY WEREN'T THERE!!!!!! I called and asked them to credit my card the amount of the turnovers, they couldn’t. So, after Bible Study Cooper and I drove to get my prescriptions and to KFC to get the missing turnovers. (Nelson fell asleep eating his chicken leg at dinner so he skipped Bible Study tonight) Not only did I get the turnovers, they gave me a chocolate cake too because I had to drive there. I came home, and decided I had to have my turnover, it was hot, smelled good, and was screaming my name! I went to get it and discovered they had given me extras!!!! Now I have some for breakfast tomorrow too! For being a crazy Monday, it sure ended great!!!!!


Keith and Kathryn said...

If this is the first time you've gotten fast food for dinner, you're my new hero!

Ferris Family said...

Oh no, this is not the first fast food dinner! It's the first, "I didn't get it together so it has to be fast food" for dinner. I'm usually really good at menu planning and having dinner planned and started in the mid-afternoon.