Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh no! He's gotten to them!!!!!!

I was shocked when I went to put Cooper and Nelson's underwear and socks away. I found their top drawers organized more than Fort Knox. In the past, the top drawer has always been a hodge podge of socks, undies, and jammies. I went to toss a handful of undies in and Cooper freaked out!! I asked what was wrong. He said daddy taught them how to fold and stack their undies last night before bed. I had to now start folding their undies and putting them neatly into the drawer. He then proceeded to show me how to properly fold.
Moms out there, am I the only one that just tosses undies into the drawer? My mom, I know you are secretly cheering at the boys new-found organization. I'm sure you are a minority. For the record, I don't fold my undies and Sheila doesn't either (much to my mom's dismay. That woman folds her undies and organizes them in shoe boxes, I will be sure to take pictures the next time I'm up there visiting. Sorry mom, had to out you.)


Van Lente Family said...

I toss them in there!! The kids are going to rummage thru anyway and look for the current "favorites"!!

Rozema Family said...

OH MY GOSH! That's all I have to say

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Who the hell folds underwear??

Kevin C said...

I the hell fold underwear, PK. When there's any to fold, anyway. It took me about 6 years to figure out it was pointless to fold my wife's when I did the laundry, because they never stayed folded past the first rummaging for a pair to wear. But yeah, if you look in my underwear "drawer" (a basket on a shelf), they're folded.

I'm not sure if that would surprise you or not...