Sunday, July 06, 2008

4th of July weekend

We decided to change it up this year. Instead of the traditioinal red, white, and blue we went with camo to honor the relatives we (by we I mean Traivs) has serving in the armed forces; two cousins who served in the Army, a brother in the Army National Guard, a cousin now state-side after finishing a 2nd tour in Guam for the Air Force, and another cousin who is currently in basic training for the Air Force.

(Kimberly recognize the skirt? It's from the backyard camp out days.)

Sparkler fun! These were really cool, they had colored flames, then the sparkle part.

Who needs fancy-shamnsy fireworks displays? Not the Ferris family! We make our own fun.


The DeVries' said...

Sheri, you look great!! when is your due date again! fun times reading about your family vacation adventures!

K.M.L said...

Love the pics! Too cute!

Ferris Family said...

My due date is Sept 2, but the doctor is guessing it's going to be mid to late August.