Thursday, July 17, 2008

At least he's moved on from the undies.

Cooper is embrasing this new organization we are trying to instill in the boys. He's constantly looking for ways to neaten things up, make things more organized, and help around the house. Just this morning he offered to empty my drawers and help me fold my underwear... Yeah, I'm never going to be that desperate for something to do.

When I went to check on the boys before breakfast I assumed I would find Cooper in the chair watching TV (his favorite morning place and activity) Maddox right next to him, and Nelson just content playing with whichever superhero he rediscovered hiding in his bed. Boy was I wrong. Nelson and Maddox were in the chair watching TV and Cooper was MIA. I went into their room to get a diaper for Mad-Man and clothes out for all of them. That's when I found Cooper. He was in the drawer under their bunkbeds organizing his and Nelson's shoes! Apparently he wanted to do it last night after church and Travis talked him into going to bed and saving that adventure for this morning. The child spent 30 minutes 30 MINUTES finding the best way to organize their shoes. He then "taught" Nelson where to put his shoes and how to organize them. I think I'm going to chanel this newfound love for organizing into their toy area! Maybe we can create some order there before we have to add baby stuff to it.


Dan and Amanda said...

That is really unbelieveable! Could I borrow him for a few days? :)

Ferris Family said...

He is all yours! It's starting to drive me crazy, he's picking out all of my things that need to be organized. I'm guessing the "nesting" has skipped me this time and has found Cooper instead.

K.M.L said...

That is hilarious! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am very proud of my organizational Cooper! He is so a first child! Anytime he wants to stay with me he can!

The DeVries' said...

W.O.W. If I have a son like that, I'll be in heaven! I love to organize; my hubby does NOT. :) So, most likely, I'll be picking up after them forever...good thing I'm having a girl first! :)