Thursday, December 11, 2008

ear infection recovery

Maddox woke up screaming Tuesday morning. He continued to do so for 5hrs, non-stop!! I got him into the doctor that afternoon. Thankfully there was a fast diagnosis and treatment. He has his first ear infection. Today after his nap he was still kind of cranky, so he took a cookie, his dogs, and his Thomas the Train boots and climbed into my bed to watch Little Einsteins.

1 comment:

jkear said...

You might try an EarCheck ( to assist in diagnosing and monitoring an ear infection. It is a great little tool, I used it last night and it works. It confirmed that she had an infection so I gave her some Tylenol so she could sleep. I went to the doc this morning and he confirmed it. No more unnecessary trips and co-pays. It is great peace of mind!