Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bad parents...

When you are first time parents, everything has to be just so. The bedding has to match, there's a changing table that you strap the child to to change the diaper. You have a million pacifiers so in case one falls on the floor there is a clean, sanatized one waiting. As you add to the brood, your expectations lower, or reality sets in. You are thankful when the bedding is clean, the baby gets changed on the bed, couch, or table, and as far as pacifiers go, as long as you can rinse it off, it goes back into the mouth. You know where this is going...
By the third, they are lucky they have a bed, they get changed where ever there is space, and you lick the pacifier that's fallen on the floor and pop it back in the mouth. Toys seem to be the same. When you are a new parent, you have new toys that are age appropriate. By the third, it's whatever will keep the child entertained long enough to pee. Maddox was "helping" travis today fix my curling iron. (it was a casualty of Tallie, we locked her in the bathroom before we had a crate and she ate the cord) Maddox decided the cord of the curling ion was a perfect toy. If this was Cooper, I would have jumped up, pulled it out of his hand and given him a toy that encourages brain and fine motor development. What did I do? I grabbed the camera and took a picture, it's the happiest he's been in days! I just told him not to chew on it, and if he did chew on it not to get dead.

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