Thursday, October 02, 2008

Tour of Olivia

While we were in Chicago for the weekend my dad's cousin, Bonnie through a great party for my extended family to meet Olivia. She loved the attention. Bonnie had an amazing party. All the food was pink, most of the people wore pink, and she even had her husbands bassinet (which was beautiful! The bedding was handmade by his grandmother) set up in the living room for Olivia to lay in. (she only layed in it for about 5 minutes, otherwise she was held)

Sitting pretty on Grandma's lap. Sophie was there to make sure I was having a good time.

Sitting with Aunt Sheila and cousin Sophie. They sure love me a lot!

Snoozing with Grandpa after a long day of meeting everyone!


Erin said...

Note to self: buy this poor little girl some PURPLE!

Rozema Family said...

What a sweet little lady!