Thursday, September 13, 2007

Eventful week for Maddox

Maddox finally figured out how to go all the way up the stairs. In the past he will go up 3 or 4 and then pound on them and yell for someone to come get him. This past week, he goes all the way up, and FAST! I was working on laundry and he was playing with toys in the hall. About 10 minutes later, Travis walked into the room with him. I asked Travis if he got him from the hall or bathroom (2 of Maddox's favorite hangouts). He said no, he got him from the back of the library. Maddox had crawled up the stairs, thru the kitchen, into the library, over the boys and straight to the bookcase to play with Mr. Potato Head. I guess it's time to get the baby gate out and start blocking the stairs.

He showed an interest in utensils. He does much better with plastic versus the regular ones.

1 comment:

Van Lente Family said...

I keep thinking that he is a baby (infant) and why is he doing so many reality isn't his first birthday just a couple of weeks away?!?! WOW!