Monday, July 02, 2007

Crazy Sat. night...

My friend Sarah and I had the "fantastic" idea to do a free (yes free) Parents' Night Out at our church. We thought it would be a good way to drum up some intrest in the community. Overall it went really well. However, there is always that one family that you cringe when you see. We had that family. They had 3 kids, ages 6 and 5. Yep, there were twin boys. Suffice it to say, we were afraid of the boys before they came into the room. We could hear them upstairs giving the greeters a hard time. Those boys were a handful from the minute they walked into the door, until the minute they left.
1. When it was time for dinner and I told them they had to put the bean bags down, they pelted me with them instead, I have bruises to show for it.
2. They refused to eat their pizza, one licked his slice and the other just mushed it all over his plate.
3. When the movie began one asked if he could take his pants off because he "watched movies without pants" and when I said no, decided to pee in his pants. He then said, "my pants are wet, may I take them off now?"
4. During the movie, after I handed twin one paper towels to wipe off his shorts and a plastic bag to sit on, his brother announced to me, "I'm going to kick you." I announced right back to him, "NO you will not kick me."
5. During the duck game one of them says, "this is a 6, I want to pick from that prize bag". Sarah says, "that's a 2, pick from this bag". He continued to argue, finally Sarah said, "fine, it's a 6 , but you are still picking a prize from the 2 bag."

What a night... Of course, since God works in mysterious ways, this is the family that has asked for more information about the church and the Sunday School program. Sarah and I decided, over grande margaritas, after we had shipped all 18 children back to their homes, that her husband and Travis would be taking over the Sunday School class (that we usually teach).

1 comment:

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

I heard about those jackasses!

You are a brave woman for spearheading such an event. My perfect angel children had a fantastic time, and they told me "Cooper's mom is almost as cool as you, Mom!"

Ok, they actually said you were cooler. Which is true.