Sunday, September 10, 2006

They have arrived!!!!

After more than a month and a half we have bunk beds! Jolene, my new best friend at Weekends Only really came thru! When I called Friday she got in touch with corperate headquarters, had a set delivered (5 days early) and had our name on them. We also were able to get them for the price that was advertised back in July, rather than having to pay $100 more (the new price).
Cooper did a great job helping put them together.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Erin said...

Yay for bunkbeds!!! I know you're glad. I'm sure the boys are delighted. How fun for them! I miss you and love you!

Van Lente Family said...

They look so nice. I hope the boys' are enjoying them!!