Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Vacation is here!!!!

The boys came home yesterday yelling and screaming. I'm still digging out from under notebooks, folders, crayons, and other "treasures" that they had in their desks all year. Maddox loves having them home, he's been following them around all morning trying to get involved in all of their games. I was brave, I took all 4 and headed out to the grocery store. It went really well. They helped me load the cart, unload the cart, and then it came time to pay... I left my wallet in the diaper bag, by the front door. We live right behind the grocery store, the older 2 decided they wanted to race me home. They completely misunderstood me and didn't stay there waiting for me, the van and the younger 2 kids. They went running back to the store!!!!! Needless to say, They were just sitting at the check-out laughing with the clerks when I got back there. Talk about a "frist day of vacation" adventure.

This picture has nothing to do with the post, but was just too cute to leave out! :)

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