Monday, May 18, 2009

All about Liv.

Olivia is growing so fast! Okay, not really... But she is slowly getting bigger. We went to the doctor on Friday for her 9 month physical. She's 16lbs and 11oz (that's a 10 lb weight gain in 9 months) and 26 inches long (that's a 7 in growth in 9 months). She's in the 10th percentile for both height and weight. That puts her right on par with her big brothers. She eats anything she can get her hands on or convince her brothers to give her. She has no teeth, and no signs of any, but still loves to chomp on crachers, cherrios, frozen veggies, and scrambled eggs. She squeals whenever she sees her brothers or the dogs. She has definately mastered sitting and reaching for anything and everything. This past week she started pulling herself up to the standing position. No crawling yet, just lots of rolling and scooting when she's sitting. Up until a week ago I was always in awe of the little coos, giggles, and girly sounding noises she would make while playing or "talking". Then she learned a new sound... It's a deep throaty growl! So not little girly, but it gets everyone's attention and she smiles and giggles whenever she makes it.
With the big 9 month birthday comes new explorations... Just this morning she took it upon herself to try to update the blog and listen to the charging i-Pod.


The DeVries' said...

Awww, cute little Liv! She's so adorable Sheri! I bet you don't even worry about things like crawling when she's #4!! :) We should get our little girls together to play sometime!

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Enjoy it. Eventually they hit junior high.