Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My dad is the best!

No really, he is. What other man would take time out of his warm, tropic, vacation to call me and let me know that he saw an ad for free Grand Slam Breakfasts at Denny's today? Not many! I'm so glad he shared that tidbit of info with me this morning. It was exactly what I needed to hear!
We had a long, hard morning here. Travis left for work at 2:30AM (yep the middle of the night!), Olivia started waking up at 2:30AM and continued to fuss until after 3AM, just to be up again at 5:45AM. After breakfast and getting Cooper on the bus, Maddox decided to make it his goal to destroy anything Nelson did! Nelson, motivated by the $1 I promised him for cleaning up the family room, continued to clean as fast as Maddox could destroy. (Travis and I talked about it, Nelson is getting another $1 when he gets home from school, he earned it!)
When Travis got home from work at 11:30AM he packed up Maddox, Olivia and me and we headed out to Denny's. That breakfast for lunch was AMAZING!
So, thank you dad for remembering me! I do appreciate it! Maybe when you get back into town, I'll take you out and buy you a Grand Slam Breakfast!

50 years ago today, the first Grand Slam was served. It cost 93 cents. Now you can't get it for under $5.99, thought you would all like that little tidbit of information.

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