Right after school and tutoring, I have to bring the older 2 up to the church. They are going to be pseudo-famous. They will be staring in a video on Facebook and YouTube.com for our Spring Break Beach Camp at the church. They won't be able to go to beach camp, but they will be advertising it. Thankfully Travis has offered to come straight home from work to make dinner for us. That way we can eat as soon as I get home with the kids and then we can start homework, that will take us until tomorrow morning. ( I hate it when we think we are finished with homework for the week just to find the spelling list that is due in less than 24 hrs from the time it's been uncovered.)
This past week has also been a week of on-going temper tantrums. In the Ferris house, those don't start until the age of 3. Maddox is very advanced! He's not going to be 3 for over 6 months and he's been throwing tantrums for over 2 months... This morning, rather than listening to the yelling and screaming before my coffee kicked in, I allowed him to choose his breakfast. It started out really good. He chose french toast sticks, raisins and milk. He then threw in one more thing.... Cheetos. Yep, the kid had Cheetos for breakfast.