Saturday, February 16, 2008

Transformers Birthday Party

Travis did an awesome job!! He made a Transformers matching game and put an awesome scavanger hunt together. We then had pizza and cupcakes. It was a wondeerful party, Cooper is still talking about it this morning.
Playing the matching game. The Autobots and Decepticon badges, clues, and All-Spark. (Yes the All-Spark is wrapped in duct tape, I didn't have silver paper and never thought to use tin foil.)
Travis had the Autobots.
I had the decepticons! WE WON!!!!!
Maddox loving his cupcake. (This is his new "cheese" face.)


Rozema Family said...

Ohhhh it's time for "friends" birthdays. . .that's awesome! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Love the face on Maddox, kind of looks like Maggie's achoo face!

Katie said...

Oh my. Is this what lies ahead for me too? You're awesome!!