Thursday, January 11, 2007

A sad day.

My Kodak 2.0 megapixel DC3400 died today. She was a wonderful digital camera. She was a gift 7.5 yrs ago when Travis and I got married. She caught Antigua, W.I., 2 trips to FL, the birth of our 3 wonderful boys and the antics of them since. She will be missed. However, her slow processing, heavy weight, and large size will not. Travis is thrilled to know that we can get something that fits in a pocket and weighs less than Maddox.
Tonight I will lay her to rest, mourn for a moment and then head out to Best Buy to replace her.

1 comment:

Tim & Tracy Lee said...

I'm glad to see that your new camera is doing well and serving your little family just as dutifully as the last! :)