Monday, July 03, 2006


If you are pregnant, have been pregnant, or have known someone pregnant you *might* appreciate this little story...
It all started on Wed of last week when the Twinkie craving hit me at 11PM. I tried to get Travis to crave the evil little yellow cakes with me and it didn't work. So I put myself in the car and drove to the grocery store to get a box of the sponge cake goodness. I came home, enjoyed a couple (yes, more than one) and went to bed. The rest of the week I prepared for our weekend away.
Come Friday, on the road to Kankakee, the craving hit again... Sit back, enjoy the story and don't laugh too hard at me.

I had to go to the bathroom, Cooper had to go, and we wanted Nelson to try. Travis decides since we are good on gas to just go to one of those rest areas on the side of the interstate. Me being wise beyond my years and the keeper of the checkbook point out that gas on the road is going to be cheaper than at his mom's. (In St. Louis we can get gas for $2.85 by his mom the cheap station is $3.07) I convince him to stop at a gas station and fill up so we don't have to get gas over the weekened while we are visiting family.
As we start looking for a gas station the truth comes out... I WANT A TWINKIE!!! Rest areas don't have them, gas stations do. He's laughing at me, I'm almost in tears becasue I want one so bad and he thinks it's funny. When is this man going to learn that a craving is a serious matter?!?!?!
Anyway, we pull into a gas station, I start pumping gas, he takes the boys and goes in to use the bathroom. I'm minding my own business, pumping away, and dreaming about the twinkie I am seconds from enjoying. All of a sudden there is a voice over the entire gas station intercom.... "Maam on pump 7, I just wanted to let you know we just sold out of twinkies!" I'm out there yelling at the attendent. I have all the eyes of the other gas pumpers on me (roughly 7 people pumping the gas plus a car full of teenagers looking at me with a mix of fear and disgust.) and I have tears welling up in my eyes becasue I'm afraid I will never taste a twinkie again.
I walk in, Travis and the boys are laughing, the attendant is laughing, the people in line for the bathroom are laughing. Travis had her tell me they werer out of twinkies. He thought it would be funny... good news, I got twinkies and hostess cupcakes and also ate them all before we got to his mom's house.


Van Lente Family said...

Thank you so much for the laugh!! Congratulations on starting the website, I told you it was easy:-)
I enjoy seeing the pics of the boys they are growing so much!!

Shanelle said...

WOW, your hubby is MEAN!(heehee) I don't remember craving twinkies while pregnant, tho I certainly craved plenty of other things. Frozen twinkies are the best.