Tuesday, April 27, 2010

She can be so sweet.

Two things you may need to know before viewing this picture:
1. No drugs were used to induce sleep.
2. She is very much still loved!
(I know I said 2, but there is a third... We are re-reading the Strong Willed Child. I may need Dr. Dobson to move in for a while)
Olivia has hit the "terrible two's" early and hard. If there were an award for "Best line drive with a sippy cup" she would win. If there were an award for "Best pout, tears, and scream" she would win. Seriously. She can throw a tantrum like a pro! You would never know she's only an amature, being at it for a mere 10 months now.
When she grabs her hair, and lays her baby on her chest, I just forget about the screaming, kicking, throwing, and tears.

1 comment:

Billie Jo said...

How precious is this picture??!!! I know exactly what you are going through, i'd like to say they outgrow it, but my stubborn one is 7 1/2 and still throws a whopper of a tantrum. But isn't it amazing when they go to bed at night, you forget all about the tantrums and are looking forward to the next day. Her strong willed personality will be to her benefit down the road....at least this is what we tell ourselves LOL~