Monday, April 09, 2007

I really hate Mondays, but I may have found a reason to love them!

Mondays are never good in the Ferris house, ask anyone who knows us. I start dreading Monday around 8PM Sunday night. Last night was slightly different, it took til 11:30PM to hate today.
Maddox started waking up at 11:30PM, he stayed awake until around 2AM, slept briefly, and began his Monday at 5AM. That's the time Cooper began his day to, thanks to his youngest brothers big lungs. Nelson was up before 6:30AM. He was crying before he ever stepped foot out of his room (never a good sign). Travis left for work, I got clothes out for the older 2 and decided to sit down with Maddox, give him a bottle and give him a morning nap so I could shower and get my day underway. Nope, no nap for the little man! He began screaming the second the 6oz were drained, screamed thru his applesauce (usually a highlight of his morning), and screamed louder if I put him down. With one hand I put on jeans and a t-shirt (I know, I am so talented! You all want to be like me). I decided there was no way I was staying home until 8:50AM (the time I leave to bring Cooper and Nelson to school), we were leaving sooner rather than later. Maybe the time in the car would make Maddox tired, and he would fall asleep. We ran to the ATM to deposit a check and to the gas station for some necessary, but expensive, gas. Maddox is still awake, finally playing with a toy and no longer screaming. (Travis claims country music is the worst sound in the world, I think he's wrong. Maddox screaming is the worst sound in the world.) There is still a little bit of time before I have to have the older 2 at school so I decide to venture into a scary place for stay-at-home-moms... McDonald's.
I pull into the parking lot and am behind 7 cars... I'm praying it won't take long to get to the order board. I pull up, the overly-chipper boy asked how he can my my Monday better... I contemplate offering him a 6 month old, but realize my mom would shoot me if she found out I gave him away to a stranger... I instead order a small coffee. You see, Mondays in St. Louis are known as Free Coffee Mondays in the McDonald's community. There are no strings attatched, you can go into any McDonald's or McDonald's drive-thu ALL DAY and get a free small coffee. Within minutes my Monday was perking up! ( pun intended) I had my coffee in hand, could see the boys' school from the parking lot, and Maddox wasn't just quiet in the backseat, HE WAS SLEEPING!!!
As I sit here telling you all about the wonder of free coffee, I'm not at all bothered by Maddox's screaming upstairs, you see, the coffee has soothed me. I may have to "play the system" today and visit another drive-thru on the way to picking the boys up from school. I may have to go as far as to have Travis visit one on his way home this afternoon to give me another jolt.
I hope your Monday is filled with yummy coffee, and quiet, I know mine will be filled with yummy coffee, the quiet part is looking rather doubtful.


Van Lente Family said...

Relief can be spelled so many different ways!! Sometimes C-O-F-F-E-E.

Anonymous said...

You are nuts.

Ferris Family said...

I am nuts, but you still love me. You have to!

Erin said...

amazing what will get you through a Monday, isn't it? Here's another: read Katie's blog and read it often. She's now linked on my page.